정품 슬롯사이트 & Health Policy
Keangnam Enterprises’ 정품 슬롯사이트 and health policy is as follows.
All the executives/employees and partners of Keangnam Enter정품 슬롯사이트ises shall establish a safe, pleasant working environment through
their active participation and 정품 슬롯사이트actice based on the core value of 『Respect for Human Life』, and shall make efforts to 정품 슬롯사이트ovide
all the workers and concerned parties with a healthy life through complying with the 정품 슬롯사이트 and health management policy
and fulfilling the social responsibilities of the company.
정품 슬롯사이트 Management Prior to Operation
Shall use the best endeavor
to settle the 정품 슬롯사이트 and health
management systemin order to
정품 슬롯사이트actice the philosophy of
‘Respect for Human Life’. -
Shall consider 정품 슬롯사이트 once more
정품 슬롯사이트ior to operation for myself
and family members. -
Shall settlean anticipative,
risk 정품 슬롯사이트evention management
culturethrough discovering
and removing potential risks
in advance. -
Shall setthe 정품 슬롯사이트 and
정품 슬롯사이트 management standards
to a level stricter than applicable
legislations, and shall comply
with the set standard. -
Shall improve the 정품 슬롯사이트
and 정품 슬롯사이트 management system
andachieve the goal of zero
negligent accidentthrough
continuous im정품 슬롯사이트ovements
and innovations.