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슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저
슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises Leading Korea’s Construction
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About UsTechnology 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저

Technology 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저

슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises’ Technological prowess per each field is as follows.

SM 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises BUILDING WORKSCreative 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 for Creative Tasking HOUSING & DEVELOPMENTActualization of Residential Space
where Humanity & Environment
are Harmonized
CIVIL WORKSPursuit of Civil Engineering where
Technological Prowess &
Environment Co-exist
OVERSEAS WORKS슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 of World Based on
State-of-the-art 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저
PLANT WORKSHigher Value-added Plant
Requiring Specialized 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저
ENVIRONMENTALPreservation of Clean Environment
through Accumulated State-of-the-art 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저
  • Quality 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Policy (ISO 9001)Since the establishment, 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises has been complying with its quality policy to provide customers
    with economical, safe and reliable products and services based on its excellent technological prowess acquired
    both at home and overseas. All the executives and employees of 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises, in terms of conducting
    all 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 projects involving 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저, housing, civil engineering, plant and environment, promise
    to meet the customer-required quality through constructing the quality 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 system and continuously
    demonstrating quality improvement activities in accordance to the regulations specified in ISO 9001, 2008.
    All the executives and employees of 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises will do our best to be well aware of this company’s
    quality 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 system, to fulfill the responsibilities given to each member, to create precious customer values,
    and to become a company that co-exists with customer reliability.
  • Environmental 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Policy (ISO 14001)슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises promises to strictly comply with the environment-related legislations to minimize
    the influence of all our activities, products and services involving the 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저, civil engineering
    and environment business fields on the environment under the motto to have respect for human life, to preserve
    one and only earth, and to co-exist with nature. In addition, 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises promises to do use the best
    endeavor to actualize environment-friendly 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 through continuously demonstrating environment improvement
    activities based on the following detailed practice goals.
  • health and safety 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Policy (ISO 45001)It is an international standard that defines the requirements for systematically managing the health and
    safety of the organization and ultimately contributing to the profit-making of the enterprise by predicting
    and preventing various risks that may arise at the workplace.
    슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Enterprises will do its best to ensure the safety and health of its employees and to promote
    sustainable growth of its organization through a safety and health 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 system.

New 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Designation & Patent Status

Division Patent No. Patent Title Remark
New 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 No. 585 Long-Span Temporary Bridge(Heat Temporary Bridge) 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Method to which Multi-phased Temperature Free Stressing Is Applied Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport
Patent Patent No. 10-0904987 Arch Bridge 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Method Using Incremental Launching Method Korean Intellectual Property Office
Patent No. 10-0620636 Eco Cone Penetration Equipment for Measuring Ground Bearing Capacity, Permeability and Environment Korean Intellectual Property Office

KEPIC Certificate

What is KEPIC Certificate
Authorization System?
It refers to a system that makes it mandatory for certain qualified personnel
and organizations to acquire a certificate from Kore Electric Association,
an organization exclusively in charge of KEPIC, to conduct tasks specified in KEPIC (Korea Electric 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Industry Code) in order to secure the safety and reliability of the 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 facilities.
What is Nuclear 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Quality Assurance Certificate Authorization System?It refers to a system used to evaluate whether or not 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 producers, manufacturers, constructors and material suppliers are capable of complying with the specific KEPIC required for securing the safety and reliability of the 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 facilities included as one part of the 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 standard certificate.
Acquirement of Nuclear 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Quality Assurance CertificateThis company acquired the certificates applicable to the following fields: manufacturers, constructors and material suppliers specializing in nuclear 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 construction involving nuclear machine(MN), nuclear structure(SN), nuclear electricity(EN). Currently(as of March 2002), being the 10th player to acquire the certificate as an installer(constructor) in Korea, this company is qualified to participate in bidding related to nuclear 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 construction, one of the state-of-the-art and higher value-added fields included in the construction work industry. In addition, since this company acquired the certificates of ASME NA/NPT as well as the certificates of ISO9001 and ISO14001(non-nuclear 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 fields), its quality assurance system applicable to home/overseas construction fields is now far more solid than ever before.

Scope of Certificate of KEPIC

The scope of the certificates acquired by this company is as follows: manufacturing and installation of component, annexed matter, device support, semi-assembled pipe part, welding-based tube product, tank type structure, container structure part.

Application of Certificate of KEPIC

PQ or Bidding on Nuclear/Hydration 슬롯사이트 볼트 메이저 Requiring Safety Class 1(Q Class), and Certificate of ISO9001 is applicable to Classes T, R and S.